My first plan I wanted to challenge the stereotypes of the typical layout of a magazine. Instead of having a masthead I wanted to have a logo and have text inside and that's when I came up with my name Studio 1. However this is not a proper masthead, but if I did have this as my final front cover I would definitely adapt this and change the colour scheme, also put more text on the front cover. However I think this is a good layout and the bar codes are in a nice order, the arrows challenge the typical conventions. The picture doesn't really fit in well with the colours of the magazine very well.I love the middle part of the 'EXCLUSIVE' and the 'INSANITY' part as it is a bold statement and looks appealing as it really does stand out. I like the bottom part as it gives it an edge, and is a convention on a film magazine. Overall I think this plan is very good, and has certain aspects that look like a real magazine.
PLAN 2 |
This is my second plan I wanted to try a different colour, I think that this blue colour scheme is very bold and contrasts the warm colours behind in the picture. I wanted to use more of the conventions in this plan. I used a picture in the right hand corner in the shape of a piece film to challenge the conventions. Also the puffs on the sides could have more text but also the black font isn't very bold as you can just about make out what it says. I tried to incorporate more pictures to represent a poster inside. The bar code is nicely positioned. The masthead is effective however it looks more like a music magazine than a film magazine. I like the bar at the bottom and the plus sign as I think it is really effective, and is a typical convention on a film magazine. The 'FREE' doesn't look very effective and doesn't look very professional. Overall I don't think this is my best plan out of all of them but in terms of the idea of its masthead idea it's good.
Plan 3, On this front cover I really wanted to experiment with the colours and contrast also to create somethign bold and simple but purely for affect. I really like this magazine cover as it challenges the typical magazine conventions. I think it is a bold statement and is very appealing to the eye, the red really enhances the eyes and the colours are very symbollic meaning danger and possible death, typical colours used for thrillers. The picture overlaps the masthead, which is common for a front cover. Although the picture is effective it doesn't have a conventional layout therefore it is not successful, if I were to do this for my final I would change the layout and make it more conventional. However I do really like the colours in this, however the fonts are quite basic and bottom part of the magazine doesn't look like a magazine. |
PLAN 4 |
This plan has a good masthead, with a different film magazine masthead to make it more bold and looks better than some of the others. The date and price is in the right hand corner in a good order. The puffs are well informed of whats inside and helps capture teh excitement. However they are all in one colour, if I used two different colours it could of made it more exciting. I think that the bottom part of magazine the bar has worked really well but the font could be brighter or a different colour font. The barcode is in a good position and it generally has a good layout I will use this aspect in my final but use a variety of different fonts and colours making it more appealing to the eye. The pictures are good however they detract the attention away from the main picture which is not what I want as the main focus should be on that main picture of the film.