Thursday, 12 July 2012

Film Poster Analysis 2

 Film Poster Analysis 2

This film poster '27 Dresses' challenges the typical conventions of a film poster as the layout is very clever. As the film is about her being a bridesmaid 27 times, the fact she is wearing a wedding dress made out of the words that inform the audience about the film. The main title of the film '27 Dresses' is quite girly with the bold,pink font making the target audience appeal more to girls then boys as the pink represents a girly colour or love. The pink flower also ties in the white and pink colour scheme this could represent that there is always a colour scheme at a wedding and this could be an indicator of what the film is about. The black font gives other relevant information about the film. This film poster challenges the conventions by using a creative style of the wedding dress to represent a symbol to do with the film and it is very effective.
This film poster 'Elf' challenges the typical film posters, by having a the 'Elf' as the 'L' in the title of the film. This is very clever as it uses the font of its title of the film to show also what the film is about also the fonts colours and the pattern are very similar to the 'Elf's costume, it is a well thought out poster and is shown as a family/children's film by the fun in the poster. The stereotypical conventions of the list of names at the bottom of the poster are shown and the slogan of the film;'The holiday,discover your inner elf' ironically it says 'inner elf' instead of inner self to represent that the film is all about the 'Elf' finding out who he is. I really like this film poster as not only does it have the typical conventions but it has challenged the stereotypes of the conventions in film posters. The main actors names are at the bottom of the poster to advertise the actors, so an audience will recognise the names and will be more likely to watch the films as they can see the actors they like.
This poster 'Gothika' is an unusual film poster as it shows only one picture and there are not any overlapping images which others may use. A theme of the colour blue is used this could represent calmness,tranquillity however it can represent sadness as people sometimes say ' you feeling blue?' to mean are you feeling down. This expression applies to this poster I feel as 'Halle Berry' does not look too please or calm. If anything the complete opposite. The sharp light blue font of 'Gothika' makes it stand out more as it is appealing to the eye and makes your eyes drawn to this font the most as it is so bold but very effective at the same time. The typical convention of having a slogan on the film poster;'Because someone is dead doesn't mean they're gone' an eeriness is in the sentence, also the information given in this sentence gives a hint of the film is about also, the writing on her arm 'Not alone' indicates that someone or something is following her. The position of her arms and body language suggests her uncomfort and how she is struggling through something. This poster has really helped me and given me alot of ideas about what I need to include on mine and to give myself ideas.

All of these film posters have helped me recognise conventions and the challenges in conventions, also what I want in mine; slogan, a picture where the film genre is recognised, names at the bottom of the poster to show the names of people involved, the date, bold title, challenging the conventions bu the picture. symbols to symbolise parts in the film.

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