Film Poster Plans
Above is my first plan for my film poster of 'Insanity'. I think that this poster is really interesting and is appealing as the font is BOLD and is appropriate to the thriller theme making this poster a BOLD statement. The eyes are very blue as I edited the picture by adjusting the contrast and brightness which is something so simple yet is so effective. The line below 'Is it you or something else' gives an eerry tone to the poster and film in general. The colour of the blond hair shows the normality still inside the girl. The printed t-shirt shows that she is not plain and suggests there's something different about her. You can see a rough shape to her face and her features I could improve on this poster by having more of an outline around her features and have more text about the film, however I like the way it is quite plain as the picture gives a narrative itself. I love the way that the picture fades into the background and the them of white to represent her purity and the unstable side of mental things that relate to white and plain objects. I really love this poster and is it well photo-shopped and planned out I think. However there are some improvements I could make to it.
Could this be my final one ( positives and negatives)
+ BOLD statement
+ Has a clear message
+ Appropriate colours and styles
+ Well photo-shopped and contrasted.
- Does it not have enough text on it?
-There could be more information about the film on the poster.
I wanted to incorporate the tunnel where I'm going to be filming in the poster as it will relate to what the film is about and where it is set. I like this concept as the actress looks like she's trapped. The font is appropriate to the genre of the film as sometimes 'insanity' does effect the mind and may feel like you are enclosed the feeling of being alone or trapped which is what I think I captured in this poster was the expression on her face of the confusion. However, this image is photo-shopped really badly and I could improve on the quality of it; as the photo shopping could look better. Also the photography I took on an-iPhone I could have taken on a normal camera as it would have been better quality and a better picture. I do think that the font for the title 'INSANITY' looks good as it is BOLD and brings relevance to the poster as the font shows the thriller genre. Also the line below it; 'Is it YOU or SOMETHING Else?' I used a rhetorical question to question the audience and to have a gripping line to entice the audience into watching and being interested in the film and to also show a glimpse of what the film is about. Also I made 'YOU' and 'SOMETHING' bigger to make it stand out more and have a different concept.
Could this be my final one? (positives and negatives)
+ The font is enticing and interesting.
+The picture presents something new and different.
+The font is appropriate.
-It's too plain.
-Doesn't give enough information about the trailer.
-There isn't really a clear message.
-Photo-shopping needs to be better.
In this poster I wanted to experiment with a different layout, adapting the image, more text, to follow some of the typical conventions. I think so far this is probably the best laid out as it has the narrow font, the star rating with critics comments above them. The picture behind the character is an ironic metaphor to show that there is light as the end of the tunnel. Also the tunnel represents darkness and mystery of the film and applicable to the genre of the theme. The star rating is to show other peoples opinions of the film. In my final I'm going to ask a small group of people to fill out a questionnaire and have a rating from them abnout what they think the trailer should be rated. The font used for the name of the film 'INSANITY' is well suited for poster as even the font seems a unusual thats the 'S' is back to front and the line going through it could symbolise the condition she is in as it is looks like a monitoring chart which relates to health issues, making a statement that something serious could happen. The picture of my actress was photo-shopped; I edited her eyes to make them blue to make her look quite strange and make them more BOLD, Also I made underneath her eyes look quite dark to make her look tired and give her a kind of strangeness about her. She is wearing a animal printed top to show that she different and could represent that she is becoming something that is not a human and animalistic in a sense.
Could this be my final one? (positives and negatives)
+Shows the location of where it is going to be set.
+Good layout following some of the typical conventions.
+Critics comments and ratings makes it look more professional.
+The picture of the actress looks good and has alot of symbols.
+The font is well suited to the genre of the film.
- There are two release dates one says 'In cinemas now' and below it says '16.09.12' so I need to decide which one I'm going to use.
- It doesn't look very professional I would like to make it to a better standard.
-The critics comments could be bigger.
Personally I think this is my best as I used my best font and the picture does show in the face 'Insanity'. There are alot of symbols in the picture itself, the setting compliments the picture as it is dark. Where the light shines out from behind her shows that she stands out there is something different about her and that she is not just a normal girl. The trees behind her set the location and suggest lonelines and that she is in a dark place. I really like the star ratings and the critics comments as it makes it look really professional. However it could have been photoshopped better also the picture doesn't blend in very well to the background and stands out in the poster as it doesnt really blend in very well with the poster in general. her top suggests that she is different and that there is an unusual side to her an animalistic side maybe. He hands placed on her head resemble that she is trapped in herself.
Could this be my final one? (positives and negatives)
+A bold statement.
+ The way ther hands are positioned it looks like something is coming out of her head and fits in well with the theme of the poster and trailer.
+Follows the conventional layout for a film postet.
+ The Ratings and comments make it look more professional and the colour of the white make it more bold.
+ The background make the poster intrigueing.
+ Her hair fits in well with the colour coming out of her head.
+The fonts are appropriate and all fit in well with the thriller genre of the poster.
-It could be photoshopped better on the left arm.
- Should've removed the bracelets and create more of an impact.
-I Could of made her fade into the background a bit more.
Overall I think this poster is probably the best and I really like the layout, I think I am going to take pictures when filming so she is in the the location where the trailer is set. And it will fit better altogether but I will use this layout.